you did it again my friend
for thos of you who just can't seem to get your minds around it. Try looking at the first 2 videos and keep an open mind about it. i know for a fact that what he is trying to get across here is true. I have a dog at my moms place and for some odd reason she will only listen to me. I know i can talk to her since i really do not same much to her anymore other then to call her over to me. But what he is trying to get cross is that all this is true. So keep an open mind and try not to keep negative thoughts out of your mind., sine they are the main reason most of you can't do any of this. Well after saying that. I thank you again JordanD for making thes. They do help me keep on track. And thank you again for placing one of my songs in your video. i am always honored that you use mine. again great job. and do not let the people who can't seem to get this in the heads get you down. I am here to support you all the way. thanks.